Sunday, January 29, 2012

Character Deconstruction

Character Deconstruction

Color - Black
Batman is quite mysterious. Covered in blackness, it lends a sense of uncertainty to the character even though he is a good guy. He operates under the radar and is not necessarily always viewed as the shining figure that many others like him are seen as. His color scheme is almost entirely black and even the colors that aren't completely black are still dark grays. His cape is a dark black color, and most incarnations of Batman depict him as all black, sometimes with a grey under suit or a yellow symbol, but typically it's just dark.

Shape - Triangular

I chose a sword to represent Batman's “shape” because he is very jagged. His pointy ears, his cowl, the blades on the side of his arms, even his cape. It also lends itself to the whole “Dark Knight” moniker seeing as how it is a knight's sword. It represents justice, valiance and bravery all qualities that Batman exhibits perhaps more than any other hero around.
Lighting - Shadow

Batman is typically regarded in shadow, or at night. It lends itself to the  mystery of his character. It also is depicting the dark nature of his personality and his psyche, Batman is clearly a troubled individual and is very brooding and not particularly friendly. The shadow represents his desire to not be a hero, but a symbol, he doesn't want to be in the spotlight but would rather let his deeds speak for themselves and inspire those around to do the same.

Character - Batman

Color - Green & Purple

This represents his green and purple color scheme. They are odd colors, that seem to go together but at the same time they don't. It's that type of incongruity that is tantamount to the Joker's look. He is well put together but completely insane. He dresses in a way that is demonstrative of his psyche, crazily. 

Shape - Triangular/Jagged
These sharp pointed teeth are representative of the Joker's volatile nature and his triangular, very angular features. His head is sharp and triangular like these teeth, showing his dangerous capabilities. Much like his clothing which isn't exactly triangular but still very angular and sharp. It is a very unsettling shape, unlike a more rounded figure. The jaggedness also depicts his jagged personality and unpredictability. 

Lighting - Bright/Spotlight
The Joker, despite being very evil and dark, typically is shown in a bright way. His clothing is bright, his makeup is bright, his hair, everything about him is bright. This is not to suggest he's a “light” person, he is not good, this lighting is actually more about his desire to be known. Although the Joker often has mysterious plots and plans he always wants the credit for them in the end, he wants people to know who was behind it, he wants them to fear him. It also works as a strong contrast to Batman who prefers the shadows but is the good guy. This kind of flip-flop of traditional lighting schemes is very unique and original.

Character - Joker

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